Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Making Money with Keyword Research

Web Marketing and Money Making Tips from SEO, PPC and Business Strategy Guru.

Marketing tips and ways to increase income using keyword research, SEO, PPC and everything else you are already doing.

Nothing you do online should ever be a one-shot activity.

If you write a blog entry (like this one), then it should be done with re-use in mind. If you write articles, they should be easy to rewrite as blogs. Any Yahoo! Answers question that you answer can itself become an article or blog entry, and vice-versa. The same goes for forums posts, emails, phone calls, etc.

Over time, this will all bring great search engine marketing dividends; but how does keyword research fit in to this 'monetize everything' strategy?

Here are a few key ideas:
  • Single keyword lists - multiple uses;
  • AdSense / AdWords arbitrage;
  • Content themeing;
  • PLR resource creation;
  • etc.
Do you see a pattern? It starts with the keyword research, expands with knowledge about the keywords being used to describe the niche, and spreads into wider knowledge about the subject. Before you know it - you're an expert, and another people will pay you for the niche knowledge that your research has thrown up.

Let's take these one point at a time.

A keyword list (such as you might download from Google AdSense) of around 100 - 150 words contains information that can be used for different things. For example, sorted by PPC value, it tells you how much you can make from clicks on adverts related to the keyword phrase. Sorted by average search traffic, it tells you how many visitors, comparatively, you might expect for a set of keyword phrases.

It's the same list, sorted two different ways. So, learn how to use a spreadsheet like OpenOffice.org, or Excel, and start making multiple uses of the same data. This is key to the Keyword Cracker mentality, spelled out in the acclaimed eBook 'AdSense and Keyword Research Guide'.

In that list, you might spot anomalies which indicate an arbitrage opportunity. For example, in my list 'adwords keyword research' has a PPC value of $0.05 which means that for every 1,000 visitors that click my link, I will pay $50. Now, if I have a product with a good sales page that converts at around 10-15%, and sells for $37, then I can make $3,700 from that $50. This is a good ratio, but there's more.

My research also tells me that 'adwords' appears in items with a PPC of around $16. So, even if my product fails to make a sale, some of the visitors are bound to click on related adverts displayed to them on the exit page, or a popup/under. I only need a few tens of those to click through to recoup my original $50 : it's a kind of safety net.

Now that I've started looking at AdSense and AdWords in my keyword list, it would be silly not to theme some content around the keywords. After all, sorting the same list by Advertiser Competition reveals what the industry thinks is important : 'AdWords', 'Pay Per Click Optimization', 'AdWords Advertising', 'AdWords Marketing', and 'Search Engine Marketing' are the top 5.

Now, I happen to know enough about all 5 to write 5 articles, and create a themed web of content around them; off the top of my head. And, I can even allow people to customize them and use them for their own site (the PLR angle). If I write 5 tightly focussed, 400-600 word articles (like this one), optimized for keyword phrases that Google reports as having a PPC of $5 to $10 per click, all with above average search engine traffic, how much would you pay for them? $10 the set? $15? $20?

If I make just two or three sales per 1,000 clicks, my time has been worthwhile.

Put all these streams together, and one little bit of research will pay dividends.

To your continued success with Keyword Research,

The Keyword Cracker
Get the acclaimed 'AdSense Keyword Research Guide'

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