Tuesday, May 20, 2008

New Keyword Research Software : The Recombinator

Free Keyword Research Software!

Just a quick post to let you all know that version 0.1 of the Keyword Recombinator is now available. This free keyword research tool allows you to enter a single keyword phrase, and have it Recombinated into a variety of different forms. This is much easier to explain with a quick screen shot:

The keyword phrase in this example is 'best keyword tool', and it has been Recombinated into a variety of unique and innovative forms.

The resulting list can then be exported by clicking the Export button. It's that easy.

Generate mis-typed keywords, domain names, and long tail recombinations of keyword phrases. All for free!

News Flash : this software is so recent that there is a new feature not shown in the screen shot - export with spaces, hyphens, or underscores. And, if you stay in touch with the author, he'll give you a heads up when the next version is available : with automated URL generation!

(You can also check the #krg-tools channel on Twitter, too.)

Have fun!


Saturday, May 10, 2008

Rumours and Hyphens (Capital Letters in Keywords & Using Hyphens in Squidoo)

I was wondering why I was getting less visitors than I thought I would to my Squidoo Lenses.

Turns out there are two answers. At least, I think there are. I may be wrong, but part of my theory was vindicated when I noted that a few people out there in Twitter/SEO land have spotted the same thing.

Google now treats Keywords With Capitals differently than keywords without. This means that Keyword is different to keyword. Which doesn't seem to affect results in the search engine itself to any great degree, but it does change some of the lower order SERPs somewhat.

Glitch or feature? Only time will tell - if you have any research :: let us at it!

Where there does seem to be a difference is when it's combined with hyphens. Now, I never really read documentation about new Web 2.0 tools. I jumped into Facebook, MySpace, Twitter, Hubpages, SlideShare, and now Squidoo without reading their guidelines beyond the basic FAQ.

So, of course, I missed something vital that was only pointed out to me the other day.

Consider the following Lens URL:
  • http://www.squidoo.com/howtostartagiftbasketbusiness
Now, you and I both read that as How To Start A Gift Basket Business, right? Google doesn't. Google sees "howtostartagiftbasketbusiness". Not very helpful if you're searching for a keyphrase like "how to start a gift basket business".

This lens has a 5 star rating, and I think it's great. However, Google doesn't even see it. Why? Hyphens!

I should have called the lens "how-to-start-a-gift-basket-business". With hyphens. That way, Google can separate out the key words. Amateurish mistake, that, and I'm embarrassed.

Ah well, live and learn, eh?

Till next time,

PS For those who want the technical insight into capital vs lowercase search keywords, the original blog post is here. It's not one of mine though, so be sure to click *back* when you're done reviewing it ;)

Thursday, May 8, 2008

Have Goals, Whatever You Do

When you start a keyword research project, it needs to have a clear goal.

It is very easy just to hammer out a root keyword, and then launch the various keyword cracker tools on it, sit back, and spend two hours analyzing list upon list of 'possibilities'. But, this approach wastes a lot of time.

The alternative is to have concrete criteria.

Recently, I came across the Definitive Guide to Finding the Best Social Marketing Sites which uses this approach. In the eBook, each site which doesn't meet some strict criteria is dropped from the list, until you end up with a subset of social marketing sites (and Web 2.0 sites, too) which are worth targeting.

Rather than spending your energy targeting every single one of them.

(By the way, at $17 a pop, it's a worthwhile investment. And, I'm not even an affiliate!)

Keyword research is the same : if you don't have criteria for discounting the ones that look all right on the surface, then you will have to target them all. Some of the time, you'll get it right. Most of the time you won't, and that time is wasted.

And - the criteria change each time you want to pick a bunch of keywords! So, without a complete understanding of keywords and keyword research, you won't even know the formulas to apply.

An example. Web site owners targeting for sticky traffic will have very different criteria than those targeting for revenue. Sticky traffic is traffic that comes and stays awhile - so higher traffic rankings, with reasonably vague keyword phrases will be fine.

On the other hand, if you're targeting for revenue, then a high CPC and conversion rate will be more highly valued than pure traffic. Knowing how to tell the difference is half the battle.

That's where the Keyword Cracker comes in. Teaching you how to reach your goals, even when they change with each keyword campaign.

Because if you can save half your time, you'll be able to double your money. Put that way, how can you refuse?

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

New Fr.e Report

New Report Reveals Everything About AdSense/AdWords & Keyword Research

I've finally gotten around to putting all those burning questions from my various readers in one place, and answered them in painstaking detail.

(Thanks for the input, you lot!)

Now, I've made it freely available, as promised; just sign up and download. Nothing could be simpler.

Get your copy here!